
September 28, 2022


Teevir Tablet Details – Uses, Side-Effects, & Precaution

In this blog, You will know the Teevir Tablet uses, side-effects, precautions and also where you can buy Teevir Tablet at an affordable cost.

Teevir is a nucleoside turnaround transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI), which is utilized for treating HIV disease. It comes as a container, a tablet, and an answer. Teevir Tablet contains Efavirenz, Emtricitabine, and Tenofovir as active ingredients in the ratio of 200 mg/300 mg/600 mg.

Teevir Tablet works by bringing down the development and diminishing the measure of HIV infection in the body; hindering the movement of a viral protein; blocking RNA-subordinate DNA polymerase work in viral DNA replication; 

Uses of Teevir Tablet 

Teevir Tablet is utilized for the treatment, control, counteractive action, and enhancement of the accompanying maladies, conditions and side effects: 

  • HIV
  • HIV disease 
  • Hepatitis B infection 

What are the side effects of Teevir Tablet? 

Apart from its intended impact, Teevir Tablet may cause some undesirable impacts as well. In such cases, you should look for restorative consideration immediately, including; 

  • Sickness, 
  • The looseness of the bowels, 
  • Cerebral pain, 
  • Bad dream, 
  • Sadness, 
  • Dazedness, 
  • Fart, 
  • Sleepiness, 
  • A sleeping disorder (trouble in dozing), 
  • Rash 

Precautionary measures 

Before utilizing Teevir Tablet, inform your specialist about your present list of prescriptions, over-the-counter items (for example nutrients, organic supplements, and so on.), sensitivities, previous illnesses, and current wellbeing conditions (for example pregnancy, up-and-coming medical procedures, and so forth.).

Some well-being conditions may make you increasingly powerless to the reactions of the medication. Take as coordinated by your specialist or read the bearing imprinted on the item embed. Tell your specialist if your condition persists or worsens.

How Teevir work 

Emtricitabine + Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate + Efavirenz is a mix of three antiviral drugs: Emtricitabine + Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate + Efavirenz1, Emtricitabine + Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate + Efavirenz2 and Emtricitabine + Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate + Efavirenz3. They work by avoiding HIV (infection) from duplicating, subsequently decreasing the measure of infection in your body.

They additionally increment the CD4 cell (white platelets that secure against contamination) check in your blood. 

In-depth information for Teevir Tablets

  • Teevir is a mix of three drugs that backs off or stop the movement of HIV contaminations. 
  • Take it on an empty stomach, ideally at sleep time, to diminish symptoms. 
  • Skipping dosages expands the danger of treatment disappointment. Ensure that you take every one of your dosages at the right time. 
  • Teevir may cause dazedness or tiredness. Try not to drive or do anything requiring focus until you know how it influences you. 
  • Teevir can cause birth defects. Utilize viable contraception while taking Teevir and 12 weeks in the wake of halting it. 
  • It might cause debilitating of your bones. Exercise routinely and take calcium and nutrient D supplements as recommended by your specialist. 
  • Your specialist may screen your kidney and liver capacities routinely. Talk to your specialist if you create side effects, for example, stomach torment, loss of craving, obscured pee or yellowing of the eyes or skin. 
  • Try not to quit taking Teevir without your specialist’s recommendation.

How to Buy Teevir tablet online? 

The online purchase process of Teevir Tablet is very simple and furthermore, every patient can undoubtedly purchase this medication without visiting the stores. If you are planning to purchase Teevir tablet online with the best quality, then Chawla medicos is the best place. We will connect with you when your request gets put in. 

September 24, 2022


What Are Lung Cancer Causes & Its Treatment Options?

Lung cancer is a leading cause of death in both men and women. It is the second most common cancer in the world, behind skin cancer, with approximately 1.54 million new cases diagnosed each year.

However, there are different types of lung cancer (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – COPD) that may require different treatments as well as early detection methods such as regular blood tests (CT scans) to determine if you have any precursors that indicate there’s something wrong with your lungs.

About Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells grow in the tissues of the lungs. The most common type of lung cancer is non-small cell lung carcinoma or NSCLC.

NSCLC can spread to other parts of the body, such as bones and lymph nodes. This can cause changes in your breathing or cause symptoms like weight loss, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

It’s also important to know that while NSCLC accounts for only 10% to 15% of all cases of lung cancer worldwide (and just 2% in North America), it accounts for more than 90% of deaths from this disease globally because it tends to be very aggressive early on when caught early enough.

What causes lung cancer

What Causes Lung Cancer?

Many factors can contribute to the development of lung cancer, including:

  • Smoking. Tobacco use is the most common cause of lung cancer. Smoking accounts for 80% of all cases worldwide and 90% in some countries such as Japan and China. Smoking also causes other cancers such as laryngeal and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (whites), colorectal adenocarcinoma (blacks), pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (blacks), and liver cancer (blacks).
  • Asbestos exposure. Asbestos has been linked with an increased risk of developing mesothelioma or lung cancers caused by pleural effusion; pulmonary fibrosis; scleroderma-like disease; alveolar consolidation/emphysema/interstitial pneumonitis; diaphragmatic hernia due to multiple lobes perforation on CT scan but no fibrosis seen on chest x-ray despite radiographic evidence of pleural effusion?

What are the signs of lung cancer?

The first sign of lung cancer is usually a cough or shortness of breath, but it can also be leading to other conditions such as chest pain and shortness of breath. Other symptoms include:

  • Coughing up blood, or blood in your sputum (phlegm)
  • Difficulty breathing or breathing faster than normal
  • Chest pain that doesn’t go away after 2 weeks

Stages of lung cancer

Cancer is a serious disease that can affect different parts of the body. 

  • In stage 1, cancer is found in the lung but has not spread outside of it.
  • Stage 2 cancer is found in the lung and also in nearby lymph nodes. 
  • In stage 3, cancer is present in the lung and lymph nodes in the middle of the chest. 
  • Stage 3A means that cancer is found in lymph nodes but only on the same side of the chest where it first started to grow.  
  • Stage 3B means that cancer has spread to lymph nodes on the other side of the chest or to lymph nodes above the collarbone. 
  • At stage 4, cancer has progressed to affect both lungs, as well as the tissues and organs surrounding them.

How is lung cancer diagnosed?

Lung cancer is diagnosed with a chest x-ray, CT scan, and PET scan. The x-ray may show a nodule on the lung (adenoma) or bone disease. A CT scan can detect tumours that are small enough to be seen with this imaging technique. The PET scan uses radioactive substances injected into the body to create images of tumours more clearly than other imaging tests do.

A biopsy is an invasive procedure that involves removing tissue samples from your body for testing in a laboratory setting. It’s used when you have symptoms but cannot find out what’s wrong by looking at your blood or urine alone.

What are the treatment options for lung cancer?

The treatment options for lung cancer include:

  • Surgery to remove the tumour and any unhealthy tissue around it.
  • Chemotherapy involves giving drugs that stop or slow the growth of cancer cells.
  • Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays (like x-rays) to destroy tumours while they are still inoperable as well as prevent new ones from forming.
  • Targeted therapy, uses drugs or other substances that kill only specific types of cells in the body rather than killing all types indiscriminately as chemotherapy does.* Watchful waiting*, which means waiting for signs that the disease has not progressed but then eventually starting treatment if necessary. Palliative care involves providing emotional support during difficult times caused by illness or disability.

What is the drug for lung cancer?

Lung cancer is a serious illness that affects many people each year. While there are treatments available, researchers are always looking for new and improved ways to help people with this disease. One area of focus is finding new combinations of chemotherapy drugs, on the other hand, scientists are investigating drugs that make cancer cells more sensitive to radiation therapy. Some examples of these targeted treatments include Afatinib, Alectinib, Bevacizumab, Ceritinib, Dacomitinib, Gefitinib, and so on. Anti-cancer medicines.


I hope this blog is very useful for you. Thanks for reading with the patients.

You can also read these blogs also.

Sorafenat 200mg Tablet – Things You Have To Know

Benefits of Abirapro Tablet

How to Reduce the Risk of Cancer. Cancer Causes and Prevention.

September 23, 2022


Why Is Biktarvy So Expensive? (Biktarvy Monthly & Yearly Cost)

In this blog, you will learn about “Why is Biktarvy so expensive”, “Is there a generic version of Biktarvy?” and many other things.

HIV is a virus that attacks an individual’s immune system, making them susceptible to other infections and illnesses. Left untreated, HIV can develop into AIDS, which can be deadly. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help people manage their HIV infection and extend their life. Biktarvy is one such treatment, and while it is expensive, it is also very effective.

Why Is Biktarvy So Expensive?

Biktarvy is expensive because it only comes as brand-name drugs and has no generic version. It is also effective against HIV and gives results quickly.

Biktarvy is expensive because it is a new, brand-name drug that is very effective in treating HIV. However, there are financial assistance programs available to help people afford Biktarvy.

What Is Biktarvy?

Biktarvy is a newly released treatment for HIV that is both highly effective and expensive. The drug suppresses the virus for an extended time, making it a desirable option for those with the virus. However, the high cost of the drug may present a challenge for those who need to access it.

What Is Biktarvy Cost Per Month? 

The Biktarvy cost per month is $3,584, but typically a person taking BIKTARVY pays between $40 and $90 per month. Some state Medicaid programs offer even lower copays or eliminate co-pays altogether.

Is there a generic version of Biktarvy?

Biktarvy is not available as a generic. A Biktarvy generic is an identical copy of the active ingredient in a brand-name medication. Generics are typically less expensive than brand-name drugs.

Are Biktarvy and Trustiva the same thing 

Are Biktarvy and Trustiva The Same Thing? 

Trustiva Tablet is a combination drug regimen that is commonly used for the effective treatment of HIV-1 infection. Antiviral drugs are beneficial in postponing the complications related to AIDS and improving the overall quality of life. This combinational therapy is highly suitable for patients with large viral loads.

Although this drug reduces the risk of viral infection to a great extent, this does not cure HIV, and is still possible to transmit HIV to other people. Follow carefully the instructions for all the medicines that you are given. It can be taken with or without food.

Taking all these medicines regularly at the right times greatly increases their effectiveness and reduces the chances of HIV becoming resistant to them. It is important not to miss doses and to keep taking them until your doctor tells you it is safe to stop.

How Much Does Biktarvy Cost?

Biktarvy is a relatively new drug on the market, and as a result, Biktarvy’s price is high compared to other antiretroviral therapies. However, unlike some of the older medications, Biktarvy is a complete treatment that doesn’t require the use of multiple drugs, making it both more effective and more convenient for people living with HIV.

While the Biktarvy cost may seem prohibitive initially, it’s important to remember that this is a life-saving medication that can improve the quality of life for those living with HIV. The long-term benefits of Biktarvy therapy outweigh the initial cost.

Is Biktarvy Worth the Cost?

The short answer is yes, Biktarvy is worth the cost. But let’s break that down a bit.The FDA approved Biktarvy in 2018. It’s a three-drug cocktail that is highly effective at treating HIV, with few side effects.

Because it is so new, it is also one of the most expensive medications on the market, with a price tag of around $36,000 per year. Despite the high cost, Biktarvy is still the best option for many people living with HIV.

It has a 95% success rate and is well tolerated by most patients. For those who can afford it, Biktarvy is an excellent option for managing HIV infection.

The FDA approved Biktarvy in 2018, and it is now available by prescription. Biktarvy is not covered by insurance and can be expensive, but for people with HIV, it may be worth the cost. Studies have shown that Biktarvy is more than 90% effective in suppressing the virus, and it has a low risk of side effects.

So, you’re considering starting treatment for HIV with Biktarvy. It’s important to know that Biktarvy is not a cheap medication. It’s one of the most expensive HIV treatments on the market. But does that mean it’s not worth the price?

Biktarvy Generic

Biktarvy generic is a highly effective three-in-one treatment that combines three antiretroviral drugs—bictegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir alafenamide—into one pill. This makes it a convenient and easy-to-use treatment that doesn’t require taking multiple pills every day.

What’s more, Biktarvy has been proven to be just as effective as other leading HIV treatments available, such as Trustiva Tablet but with fewer side effects. So, why is Biktarvy so expensive? The high cost of Biktarvy is due to the drugs it contains and the research and development that has gone into making it such an effective treatment.


Biktarvy is a relatively new drug on the market to treat HIV. While it is expensive, it is also very effective. Biktarvy uses the latest technologies to target the virus and prevent it from replicating. This makes it a very desirable option for those living with HIV.

September 15, 2022


Sorafenat 200mg Tablet – Things you have to Know

In this blog, you will know things about Sorafenat 200mg tablet. What Sorafenat 200MG is utilized for? What are the side- effects of Sorafenat Tablet? How to use Sorafenat Tablet? Precautions & warnings and other important things which you have to know.

Sorafenat Tablet Introduction

An efficient cancer medication, Sorafenat 200mg tablet counteracts and advancement and augmentation of disease cells. Accordingly, medication is utilized in the treatment of thyroid malignant growth, and liver disease just as renal cancer. Sorafenat contains Sorafenib as an active ingredient. Sorafenat Tablet works by backing off the rate of development of cancer cells. This drug isn’t suggested for use in patients below 18 years old. 

What Sorafenat 200mg is utilized for? 

Sorafenat Tablet is utilized for the treatment, control, anticipation, and development of the following infections, conditions, and symptoms: 

  • Kidney disease 
  • Liver disease 
  • Hepatic disease 
  • Diagnosis of thyroid disease 
  • Thyroid disease 

What are the side- effects of Sorafenat Tablet? 

  • Weakness  
  • Loss of craving 
  • The looseness of the bowels 
  • Nausea
  • Stomach torment 
  • Weight reduction 
  • Weight loss
  • Rash 
  • Painful  rankles on hands and feet 

How to use Sorafenat Tablet? 

Take this prescription in the dose and time as suggested by your specialist. Take it as an entire. Try not to break, chew, or crush it. Sorafenat 200 mg tablet is to be taken empty stomach. 

Keep away from Sorafenat 200 mg Tablet with high-fat suppers, for example, olive oil, nuts, and seeds (Brazil nuts), dark chocolate, meat, and butter. 


Precautions & Warning

Precautions & Warning before use.

Talk to your specialist before taking this prescription, on the off chance that you: 

  • Have any hypersensitivities 
  • Have heart issues or chest torment
  • Draining issue
  • Hypertension 
  • Kidney issues additionally with kidney cancer 
  • Liver issues additionally liver cancer 

How does Sorafenat Tablet function work? 

Sorafenat 200 mg Tablet is an anti-cancer drug. It works by stopping the activity of the unusual protein that signals cancer cells to duplicate. This stops or moderates the spread of cancer cells.

Expert Advice 

  • Ladies who could get pregnant should utilize a reliable contraceptive method to avoid pregnancy while taking this medication. 
  • Your specialist may routinely screen your pulse while you are taking this prescription. 
  • Tell your specialist if you get a skin rash, pain, swelling or redness of your hands and feet while you are taking this prescription. 
  • Try not to change the dose or stop using it without talking with your specialist. 
  • Check your pulse usually while taking this prescription. Tell your specialist if you see indications of hypertension, for example, extreme migraine, issues with your visual perception, sickness or retching. 
  • It might cause a genuine bleeding issue. Advise your specialist if you get migraines, stomach torment or if you see blood in your pee or stools. 
  • Try not to take this drug if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Sorafenat 200 mg Tablet is utilized in the treatment of liver, kidney, and thyroid disease. 

When not to Utilize Sorafenat 200mg? 

Hypersensitivity to Sorafenat Tablet is a contraindication. Furthermore, Sorafenat Tablet ought not to be utilized if you have the following conditions: 

How to get Sorafenat Online?

To “buy Sorafenat Tablet “, patients require not to go to the stores at all. Check the website where these meds are sold online. “Sorafenat” is accessible in the form of tablets and the “Sorafenat 200mg cost in India” is available online.

If you want to get Sorafenat 200mg tablets price from India at an affordable price, you can order it from Chawla Medicos. We will connect with you when your request gets put in.  Chawla medicos are the seller, provider, and wholesaler of Sorafenat Tablet by Wockhardt from India. 

September 13, 2022


Revolade 25mg Tablet – Uses, Work, Precautions.

In this blog, You will get all information about Revolade 25mg tablet. You will understand its uses, works, precautions and other helpful information.

Revolade 25 mg Tablet – Info

Revolade 25mg Tablet has a place with a class of medications called thrombopoietin (TPO) receptor agonists and is utilized to treat patients who have low platelet considered a consequence of perpetual insusceptible thrombocytopenia or unending hepatitis C infection contamination. Revolade 25mg Tablet is additionally utilized in blend with different medications to treat conditions, for example, serious aplastic sickliness. By and large, this drug is managed to those patients who have not reacted great to different meds, or medical procedures. 

What Revolade 25mg is utilized for? 

It is utilized to, 

  • Treat a draining issue called insusceptible (idiopathic) thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) in patients matured 1 year or more 
  • Treat low platelet tally (thrombocytopenia) in grown-ups with hepatitis C infection (HCV) diseases 
  • Treat adults patients with low blood tallies brought about by serious aplastic frailty (SAA) 

What symptoms are possible with this drug? 

Like all medications, this drug can cause reactions, in spite of the fact that not every person gets them, for example, 

  • The higher danger of blood clumps set apart by the sudden obstructing of a vein 
  • Liver issues set apart by yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice), surprisingly dull shaded pee 
  • Decline platelet check 
  • Seeping in the stomach-related framework set apart by dark dawdle stools, heaving blood, blood in your stools 
  • Sickness 
  • Looseness of the bowels 
  • Upper respiratory tract contamination 
  • Regurgitating 
  • Expanded liver proteins 
  • Muscle torment 
  • Urinary tract contamination

How to use Revolade Tablet? 

Take this drug in the dose and time as suggested by your specialist. Take it as an entire. Try not to break, chew, or crush it. Revolade 25 mg Tablet is to be taken empty stomach. 

Precautions & Warnings while using Revolade Medicine

Precautions & Warnings while using Revolade Medicine

Talk with your specialist before taking REVOLADE 25MG, if you: 

  • Are hypersensitive to eltrombopag or any of the alternate ingredients of this drug? 
  • Have liver issues 
  • Are you in danger of blood clots in your arteries or veins, or do you realize that blood clots are usual in your family 
  • Have recently had surgery or received physical damage 
  • Have cancer 
  • Are exceptionally overweight (obese) 
  • Are a smoker 
  • Have cataracts (the lens of the eye getting cloudy) 
  • Have another blood condition, for example, myelodysplastic disorder (MDS)
  • This drug isn’t suggested for use in pregnant ladies and in breastfeeding ladies. 
  • This drug isn’t suggested for use in patients with a known sensitivity to eltrombopag or some other inert fixings present alongside it. 
  • Revolade 25 mg Tablet may associate with numerous different medications and may cause serious unfriendly impacts. Consequently, it is prompted that you advise the specialist pretty much the entirety of your present meds including any herbs and enhancements before starting treatment with this drug.

How does Revolade Tablet work? 

Revolade 25Mg Tablet has been developed and offered to treat a few conditions, which lead to thrombocytopenia. It works by stimulating the development of new platelets in the blood. Platelets help to decrease or prevent bleeding. 

How to get Revolade 25mg Tablet Online?

Revolade price in India is very affordable. If you are planning to purchase and want to know Revolade 25mg Tablet cost with the best quality, then Chawla medicos is the best place. We will connect with you when your request gets put in.  Chawla medicos send out Revolade 25 mg Tablet to Philippines, Bulgaria, Italy, Kenya, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, Spain, Hong Kong Beijing, Russia, UK, and other nations.


September 5, 2022


Info You Must Know About TenoHep AF Tablet In 2023

Tenohep AF Tablet contains Tenofovir Alafenamide for oral uses. Tenofovir Alafenamide, a hepatitis B infection (HBV) nucleoside simple turnaround transcriptase inhibitor, is changed over in vivo to Tenofovir, a non-cyclic nucleoside phosphonate (nucleotide) simple of adenosine 5′-monophosphate. Tenofovir Alafenamide is utilized in the treatment of HIV contamination and incessant hepatitis B infection (HBV) disease.

Eliminate Hepatitis B with Tenohep AF Tablet

HBV is a twofold stranded DNA infection having a place with the group of hepadnaviruses. The analysis of ceaseless HBV disease depends on the diligence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) for more than six months. 

The World Health Organization describes hepatitis B as a noteworthy worldwide medical issue. It is caused by the hepatitis B infection (HBV), which assaults liver cells and can prompt cirrhosis, liver malignancy, or liver disappointment in the event that it isn’t recognized and overseen.

The infection is transmitted through contact with contaminated blood and organic liquids that contain blood. Constantly tainted individuals can pass the infection on to other people and are at expanded hazard for liver issues sometime down the road.

HBV is multiple times more irresistible than the AIDS infection. While there’s no cure, but because of the development in research, there is one viable medication that can counteract the movement of the ailment, particularly cirrhosis, liver disappointment, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). 

Tenohep AF is a standout amongst the most broadly utilized hepatitis medication which is utilized for the treatment of perpetual (long haul) Hepatitis B infection (HBV) and HIV contamination in grown-ups with remunerated liver illness.

Tenohep AF plans to prevent the infections from increasing. It is at present trusted that prescription can lessen the danger of such inconveniences if patients reliably have no recognizable infections in their blood because of the treatment.

Tenohep AF Tablet Side Effects?

Side-effects of Tenohep AF are:

    • Diarrhea
    • Vomiting
    • Nausea 
    • Dizziness
    • Rash
    • Feeling sick

How Does Tenohep AF Tablet Work?

Tenohep AF tablet is an immediate-acting antiviral (DAA) prescription. DAAs are a gathering of meds that specifically keep the duplication of HIV infection and ceaseless hepatitis B infection in human cells. Therefore stop the hepatitis B and HIV infections from delivering new infections. 

How to utilize Tenohep AF Medicine?

Take this prescription in the portion and term as advised by your specialist. Take it as an entire. Try not to bite, chew, or break it. The prescribed measurement of Tenohep AF Tablet is (one tablet) taken orally once day by day with food.

No dosage change of Tenohep AF Tablet is required in patients with mellow, moderate, or serious renal impairment. Tenohep AF Tablet isn’t suggested in patients with end-stage renal sickness (evaluated creatinine clearance beneath 15 mL per minute).

Precautions while taking Tablet

Inform your doctor before taking Tenohep AF if you: 

  • Are oversensitive to Tenofovir disoproxil or any of the interchange components of this drug 
  • Have kidney or liver problem 
  • Have bone problem
  • Have an immune system problem

Expert advice for Tenohep AF tablet

  • Take care not to pass on your hepatitis B to other individuals. You can even now contaminate others when taking this prescription. Tenohep AF does not diminish the danger of passing on hepatitis B to others through sexual contact or blood pollution. You should keep on playing it safe to stay away from this. Examine with your specialist the safety measures expected to abstain from tainting others. 
  • Find a way to abstain from getting pregnant amid treatment with Tenohep AF. You should utilize a viable strategy for contraception. Tell your specialist instantly in the event that you end up pregnant. 
  • Try not to breastfeed amid treatment with Tenohep AF. It is prescribed that you don’t breastfeed to abstain from passing Tenofovir Alafenamide to the child through breast milk. 
  • Tenohep AF can cause discombobulation.  If you feel unsteady when taking Tenohep AF, don’t drive and don’t utilize any instruments or machines. 
  • Your hepatitis contamination may deteriorate after you quit taking this drug. Try not to quit taking Tenohep AF except if your specialist instructs you to. 
  • Abstain from drinking liquor. It might expand your danger of liver harm. Prior to taking this medicine, enlighten your therapeutic supplier and drug specialist concerning any medications, enhancements, and herbs you take, regardless of whether endorsed, over-the-counter, or illegal.
  • You can likewise pass on HIV or HBV to other people. Try not to share needles or individual things that can have blood or body liquids on them. 
  • Amid treatment and for no less than six months after ceasing this medication, normal blood tests are expected to screen your liver capacity, the dimension of hepatitis B infection, and platelets in your blood.

Tenohep AF Tablet Price in India

If you need to get/purchase Tenohep AF Tablet online from India at the best price, then you can arrange it from Chawla Medicos, Just go to our site and fill out the required form. We will connect you when your request gets put in. 

We likewise deal in providing different high-quality hepatitis meds.  In the event that you have questions, connect with us today. For more data, visit Chawla Medicos


The management of endless HBV contamination is difficult and relies on various components including clinical factors (e.g., the nearness or nonappearance of liver irritation as well as cirrhosis), the patient’s immunologic reaction to contamination (e.g., hepatitis B e antigen status), virologic factors (e.g., the HBV viral load and genotype), and hazard factors for sickness movement (e.g., age >40 and family ancestry of hepatocellular carcinoma). 

The basic side effects of the Tenohep AF tablet are headache, hack, and back pain. The rate of the fix has expanded (about 95%-98%) with the improvement of Tenohep AF oral Hepatitis B prescription and it is well-tolerable. 

August 30, 2022


These 7 Situations make you a high risk for Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a disease caused by an infection that can be transmitted through sex, by sharing hardware to utilize drugs, and through family unit contact with somebody who has hepatitis B. The infection taints the liver. A great many people recuperate from the disease all alone, while some build up a lasting (endless) contamination.

Treatment can help with side effects and monitor an interminable disease. There are numerous approaches to bring down the possibility of getting or passing on hepatitis B, including getting immunized. 

Numerous individuals with hepatitis B have no side effects, so they don’t realize they have contamination.

These 7 Situations make you a high risk for Hepatitis B:

  • Sexual contact: Having unprotected sex with a tainted accomplice whose blood, spit, semen or vaginal emissions enter your body. 
  • Utilizing polluted needles: Hepatitis B is transmitted if a needle utilized on a contaminated individual is reused by another. Individuals dependent on intravenous medications are at danger of Hepatitis B. 
  • Mother to Child: Pregnant ladies who are contaminated with Hepatitis B can pass on the disease to their infants. This can be that as it may be counteracted if the infant is inoculated. 
  • Utilizing unsterilized equipment:  Having a tattoo, body piercing, or medical or dental treatment done in an unhygienic environment with an unsterilized tool. 
  • Blood transfusion: Hepatitis B can be transmitted through a blood transfusion when contaminated blood which isn’t been tried is given to somebody. 
  • Sharing tainted individual articles: Sharing toothbrushes or razors debased with contaminated blood can transmit Hepatitis B.
  • Blood from a tainted individual debases open injury: When the blood of a contaminated individual goes into someone else’s open injury.


Hepatitis B is a viral contamination that causes irritation of the liver (hepatitis). It is caused by the hepatitis B infection, which assaults the liver cells causing either impermanent (intense) or steady (constant) hepatitis. 

Hepatitis B isn’t calmly transmitted, however, in the correct situation, it is adequately transmitted. You may believe that circumstance may never come to fruition for you, or for your friends and family – particularly your little ones who are so helpless against HBV.

A few people travel to outlandish terrains with perilous blood supplies and poor disease control rehearses, and now and then they become ill or require crisis dental or therapeutic administrations, so they might be put in danger.

 A great many people have had a failure to understand the situation – some of the time it’s a one-time thing, now and then it goes on for quite a long time, yet the net-net is that it’s bizarre to discover

Another helpful blog: How To Reduce The Risk Of Cancer. Cancer Causes And Prevention.

August 25, 2022


Details To Know About Abiraterone Acetate Tablet 250mg

Abiraterone acetate tablet can lower androgen development in the body. This is a male hormone assisting the growth of the prostate gland. 

Benefits of Abirapro Tablet

Prostate cancer

The prostate gland is a small gland, which produces seminal fluid, this fluid transports and nourishes male sperms. The common symptom of prostate cancer is difficulty in urination, but sometimes there are no symptoms of any kind.

The main function of abiraterone acetate tablets is to decrease the cancer cells or stop the growth of cancer cells. It reduces testosterone which is the male hormone. Apart from this, it makes urination clear and easy, due to which there is no pain or burning during urination.

Side effects of Abiraterone Acetate Tablets

You can find indigestion, muscle pain, stomach ache, migraine or cough, and cold in your body as a side effect of Abirapro Tablets 250mg.

  1. Consult your doctor if your condition worsens. You must remember that the medicine must be causing you serious benefits despite the side effects. So you must not worry while consuming the medicine after the recommendation from the doctor. Your doctor must have tested that the benefits of the medicine will outweigh the side effects on your body.
  2. Ask your doctor to check the blood pressure while diagnosing this medicine as this increases the blood pressure in your body. Keep your blood pressure in check always.
  3. Consult your doctor if you suffer from serious side effects such as frequent urination, high BP, stomachache, muscle or leg cramps, stiffness, etc. 
  4. The chest stiffness, shortness of breath, headache, nose bleeding, liver problems, skin disease, faint, blurred vision, lack of appetite, and similar other symptoms must be dealt with seriously. 

How to consume Abiraterone Acetate Tablet (Zytiga 250mg)?

How to use abiraterone acetate tablets

  • Mainly, the medicine is administered once or twice a day. Consume as per your doctor’s advice. 
  • In case you are having surgery or operation or have undergone any medical treatment, consult your doctor immediately about alternations in the dosage of medicine. Do not change any dose without your doctor’s advice. 
  • Take it with a glass of water.
  • Consume it with any food or without any food.
  • If you want to consume without food, it is optimum to take it 1 hour before any meal or 2 hours after any meal.
  • It would be better if you swallowed the whole tablet at once without crushing or grinding it.
  • Test your blood pressure regularly.
  • Frequently make tests on your blood. 
  • Do not stop the consumption of the medicine without consulting with a doctor. 
  • Keep away from moisture, heat, and reach of children.

Buy Abiraterone Acetate Tablet (Zytiga) 250mg and 500mg Online

You can Buy Abiraterone Acetate Online easily. You can use it with other salts, including prednisone or methylprednisolone. It cures prostate tumors that are likely to spread to wider body parts.

Abiraterone acetate 250 mg is used by men who can not fix their prostate cancer with medicine or surgery. If you are looking for Abiraterone acetate tablets in the Philippines, you can get them at Chawla Medicos. Because we provide our services globally. 

*Refrain from using them in case of pregnancy. This medicine can damage an unborn child or a breastfeeding child. Men with female partners of childbearing age must use a safe form(s) of hormonal contraception when taking this medicine and for at least three weeks after stopping the medication. For more info, consult your doctor.

What happens if you miss a dose of Abiraterone Acetate Tablet?

You must be careful enough not to miss any dose. Do not take two consecutive doses at once. Call your doctor for guidance if you miss more than one dose of abiraterone tablets. Abiraterone cost is not much high. So you must not avoid purchasing the medicine. 

How does Generic Zytiga (Abiraterone Acetate) Work?

Zytiga Generic 250mg & 500mg is a chemotherapeutic agent. It works by blocking the development of androgen in humans. This hinders the enzyme (CYP17) responsible for the production of androgen. This is how prostate cancer is brought under control. Zytiga price in Philippines is very reasonable. You can use it without any worry.

What should be avoided while taking Abiraterone 250mg?

  • Avoid eating for 2 hours before taking medicine.
  • Avoid herbal products.
  • Do not adjust your dosage as per yourself.
  • Stop the dosage as per the doctor’s permission.

Precautions while taking Abiraterone Acetate Tablet 250mg?

  • Inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to Zytiga; or whether you are allergic. This drug can contain inactive ingredients that may trigger allergic reactions or other problems. Consult your doctor for more Knowledge.
  • Talk to your pharmacist about your medical history before taking this medicine, in particular: past heart attack, hypertension, liver disorders, and diabetes.
  • Zytiga Abiraterone 250 mg can induce a disorder that requires the rhythm of the heart (QT prolongation). QT prolongation will rarely cause extreme (rarely fatal) rapid/irregular heartbeat and other symptoms (such as severe dizziness, and fainting) that require immediate treatment.
  • The QT prolongation risk can be raised if you have some health issues or take other medications that can trigger QT prolongation. Before using abiraterone tablets, price 500 mg tablet/capsule, consult your physician or pharmacist about all the medicines you are taking and whether you have any of the following conditions: certain heart issues (heart failure, sluggish pulse, QT prolongation in the EKG), family background of such heart problems (QT prolongation in the EKG, immediate cardiac death).
  • Low levels of potassium or magnesium in your blood can also raise your risk of QT prolongation. This risk increases if you use some medications (such as diuretics/”water pills”) or have conditions such as heavy sweating, indigestion, or nausea. Talk to your doctor about taking abiraterone safely.
  • Taking corticosteroid medicines for a long period along with abiraterone 250 mg can make it even more difficult for your body to react to stress. Thus, before surgery or emergency care, or if you have a serious illness or accident, inform your doctor or dentist that you are using or used this medicine over the last 12 months. Tell your doctor if you have unusual/extreme fatigue or weight loss. If you’ve been taking this medicine for a long period, carry a reminder card or a medical ID bracelet that identifies the use of this medicine.
  • Tell your doctor or dentist of all the medicines you need when you have surgery.

How to buy (Arbeterone) 250mg tablets?

This medicine is available everywhere easily. But most pharmacists recommend purchasing the medicine from a nation like India. You can find Arbeterone Acetate price is very reasonable. Chawla Medicos is an affirmed and trusted seller of generic medications in India, and it is altogether 80% lower than unique medication costs. They shipped directly to nations like the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, South America, etc. 

August 3, 2022


Details You Should Know Abiraterone Acetate In 2023

Abiraterone Acetate Tablets are an anti-cancer medication. Zytiga 250mg tablets can lower androgen development in the body. This is a male hormone assisting the growth of the prostate gland.

You can Buy Abiraterone Acetate Online easily. You can use it with steroids or drugs, including prednisone or methylprednisolone. It cures prostate cancer that is likely to spread to wider body parts. Abiraterone acetate tablets are used by men who can not fix their prostate cancer with medicine or surgery.

Side effects of Abiraterone Acetate Tablets 250 mg.

You can find indigestion, muscle pain, stomach ache, migraine or cough, and cold in your body as a side effect of Abiraterone.

  1. “Consult your doctor if your condition worsens”. You must remember that the medicine must be causing you serious benefits despite the side effects. So you must not worry while consuming the medicine after the recommendation from the doctor. Your doctor must have tested that the benefits of the medicine will outweigh the side effects on your body.
  2. Ask your doctor to check the blood pressure while diagnosing this medicine as this increases the blood pressure in your body. Keep your blood pressure in check always.
  3. Consult your doctor if you suffer from serious side effects such as frequent urination, high BP, stomachache, muscle or leg cramps, stiffness, etc.
  4. Chest stiffness, shortness of breath, headache, nose bleeding, liver problems, skin disease, faint, blurred vision, lack of appetite, and similar other symptoms must be dealt with seriously.

How to consume Abiraterone Acetate Tablets

  • Mostly, the medicine is administered once or twice a day. Consume as per your doctor’s advice.
  • In case you are having surgery or operation or have undergone any medical treatment, consult your doctor immediately about alternations in the dosage of medicine. Do not change any dose without your doctor’s advice.
  • Take it with a glass of water.
  • Consume it with any food or without any food.
  • If you want to consume without food, it is optimum to take it 1 hour before any meal or 2 hours after any meal.
  • It would be better if you swallowed the whole tablet at once without crushing or grinding it.
  • Test your blood pressure regularly.
  • Frequently make tests on your blood.
  • Do not stop the consumption of the medicine without consulting with a doctor.
  • Keep away from moisture, heat, and reach of children.

If you live in the Philippines, Abiraterone acetate tablets in Philippines are available easily. You can get them at the nearest medical store. Refrain from using them in case of pregnancy. The effect of this medicine can damage an unborn child or a breastfeeding child. Men with female partners of childbearing age must use a safe form(s) of hormonal contraception when taking this medicine and for at least three weeks after stopping the medication. For more info, consult your doctor. (Buy Abiraterone Acetate Online)

What happens if you miss a dose of tablets?

You must be careful enough not to miss any dose. Do not take two consecutive doses at once. If you miss more than one dose of abiraterone tablets, call your doctor for guidance. Abiraterone cost in the Philippines is not much high. So you must not avoid purchasing the medicine.

Abiraterone Acetate (zytiga) mechanism of action

Zytiga Generic 250 mg & 500 mg is a chemotherapeutic agent. It works by blocking the development of androgen in humans. This hinders the enzyme (CYP17) responsible for the production of androgen. This is how prostate cancer is brought under control. Zytiga price in Philippines is very reasonable. You can use it without any worry.

What should be avoided while taking Abiraterone 250 mg?

  • Avoid eating for 2 hours before taking medicine.
  • Avoid herbal products.
  • Do not adjust your dosage as per yourself.
  • Stop the dosage as per the doctor’s permission.

Precautions while taking Abiraterone tablets

Precautions while taking Abiraterone tablets

  • Inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to Zytiga(Abiraterone tablets); or whether you are allergic. This drug can contain inactive ingredients that may trigger allergic reactions or other problems. Consult your doctor for more Knowledge.
  • Talk to your pharmacist about your medical history before taking this medicine, in particular: past heart attack, hypertension, liver disorders, and diabetes.
  • Zytiga(Abiraterone 250 mg) can induce a disorder that requires the rhythm of the heart (QT prolongation). QT prolongation will rarely cause extreme (rarely fatal) rapid/irregular heartbeat and other symptoms (such as severe dizziness, and fainting) that require immediate treatment.
  • The QT prolongation risk can be raised if you have some health issues or take other medications that can trigger QT prolongation. Before using abiraterone tablets, price 500 mg tablet/capsule, consult your physician or pharmacist about all the medicines you are taking and whether you have any of the following conditions: certain heart issues (heart failure, sluggish pulse, QT prolongation in the EKG), family background of such heart problems (QT prolongation in the EKG, immediate cardiac death).
  • Low levels of potassium or magnesium in your blood can also raise your risk of QT prolongation. This risk increases if you use some medications (such as diuretics/”water pills”) or have conditions such as heavy sweating, indigestion, or nausea. Talk to your doctor about taking abiraterone safely.
  • Taking corticosteroid medicines for a long period along with abiraterone 250 mg can make it even more difficult for your body to react to stress. Thus, before surgery or emergency care, or if you have a serious illness or accident, inform your doctor or dentist that you are using or used this medicine over the last 12 months. Tell your doctor if you have unusual/extreme fatigue or weight loss. If you’ve been taking this medicine for a long period, carry a reminder card or a medical ID bracelet that identifies the use of this medicine.
  • Tell your doctor or dentist about all the medicines you need when you have surgery.

Where to buy Arbeterone Acetate 250 mg tablets?

buy Arbeterone Acetate 250 mg

This medicine is available everywhere easily. However, most pharmacists recommend purchasing the medicine from a nation like India. Arbeterone Acetate cost in the Philippines is also very reasonable. Chawla Medicos is an affirmed and trusted provider of generic medications, and it is altogether 99% lower than unique medication cost. They shipped directly to nations like the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, South America, etc.